The World Abortion Laws Map Event at the Ford Foundation

Since 1998, the Center has produced the World Abortion Laws Map—a visual representation of the legal status of abortion in countries across the globe. In 2011, an accompanying interactive website ( was launched in order to provide greater details on the legal status of abortion, including the laws in over 50 countries. In 2014 the Center partnered with the Ford Foundation and the Mission of Uruguay to the United Nations to launch an updated, online, and print version of the map at an evening event at Ford's New York Office. I designed the map, website, and all accompanying printed materials in addition to the visuals at the event. 

The evening event was a success featuring kiosks where attendees could explore the map and its features, which included the ability to compare each country's abortion laws side-by-side, see the ranking of each country, and go "in focus" to learn more about the laws and restrictions. 

The Map in Print

The World Abortion Laws Map has evolved into a flagship publication of the Center, which both informs key stakeholders on the legal status of abortion and positions the Center’s global comparative expertise on abortion laws. The invitation, folder of materials, and publication were all consistently branded and have been used broadly and reprinted several times. Each folder had a printed, poster-sized map that can be hung— a beautiful and useful tool for partners, advocates, scholars, and policymakers. 

The World Abortion Laws Website

Currently built in Flash, the map can be seen here. It has proven a useful tool for advocates and policymakers working on liberalizing abortion laws worldwide. 

Abortion Map Accessories

We developed swag to give out at the event and help spread the word about the map. A compass, magnet, and branded tote bag were popular and given out to each attendee. 



Brooklyn, NY

© Carveth Martin